TOEFL Speaking: Integrated Taskの感覚と点数②

昨日はIndependent Taskについて考察してみました。テンプレートを活用すれば、Fair(2.5-3.0)を獲得するのもそこまで難しくはないと分かっていただけたかと思います。Speakingのテンプレートに関しては、後日note takingの技術と共に記事にしておきますね。


さて、今回はIntegrated Tasksに関して考察していきましょう。Integrated Tasksに含まれるのはTask3〜Task6であり、この記事ではCampus Situationsに該当するTask3、Task5に焦点を絞っていきます。まず、Task3、Task5の試験概要は、それぞれ以下の通りです。



100語程度のReadingを45-50秒で読み、そのReadingに対する意見を1分から1分半程度のListeningで聞きます。その後、会話中における男性または女性の意見をまとめなさいという指示が出され、30秒間のPreparation timeを与えられた後、60秒間のSpeakingが始まります。構成は大雑把に決まっており、


Reading: 大学が新しい何かを始める。この構想には主に2つ利点がある。

Listening: 男性(女性)が大学のdecisionに賛成または反対の立場をとり、それぞれの利点に関して自身の意見及び具体例を述べる。





1分半ほどのListeningが続いた後、20秒のPreparation timeを与えられ、60秒間のSpeakingが始まります。こちらも内容構成はかなりパターン化されており、


1. 男性(女性)がAということをしたいと思っている。However, Bという問題があり、Aに支障をきたしそう。

2. 解決策1つ目を出し、そのメリットとデメリットを述べる。

3. 解決策2つ目を出し、そのメリットとデメリットを述べる。




さて、私はこのsectionでGood(3.5-4.0)の成績を取りました。恐らく、Task3と Task5共に4点を取得しているはずです。これらのtaskはテンプレートの力が最大限に発揮される分野なので、ぜひ練習を積んでみてください!






Good News for Movie Fans
The Student Association has just purchased a new sound system for the Old Lincoln Hall auditorium, the place where movies on campus are currently shown. By installing the new sound system, the Student Association hopes to attract more students to the movies and increase ticket sales. Before making the purchase of the new equipment, the Student Association conducted a survey on campus to see what kind of entertainment students liked best. Going to the movies ranked number one. “Students at Northfield College love going to the movies,” said the president of the Student Association, “so we decided to make what they already love even better. We’re confident that the investment into the sound system will translate into increased ticket sales.”




大学側の変更: install the new sound system on the auditorium

利点1: attract many students and increase purchases

利点2: students like movies the most





(Male student) I really think the Student Association made a bad decision.
(Female student) Really? Why? Don’t you like going to the movies?
(Male student) Sure I do. But this new purchase is just a waste of money.
(Female student) What do you mean? It’s supposed to sound really good.
(Male student) Yeah, well, I’m sure it does, but, in Old Lincoln Hall? I mean that building must be 200 years old! It used to be the college gym! The acoustics are terrible.
(Female student) So you’re saying there’ll be no improvement?
(Male student) That’s right. And also, I seriously doubt that going to the movies is the number one social activity for most students.
(Female student) Yeah, but that’s what students said.
(Male student) Well, of course, that’s what they said. What else is there to do on campus?
(Female student) What do you mean?
(Male student) I mean, there isn’t much to do on campus besides go to the movies. If there were other forms of, uh recreation, or other social activities, you know, I don’t think most students would have said that going to the movies was their first choice.




(Male student) I really think the Student Association made a bad decision.
(Female student) Really? Why? Don’t you like going to the movies?
(Male student) Sure I do. But this new purchase is just a waste of money.
(Female student) What do you mean? It’s supposed to sound really good.
(Male student) Yeah, well, I’m sure it does, but, in Old Lincoln Hall? I mean that building must be 200 years old! It used to be the college gym! The acoustics are terrible.
(Female student) So you’re saying there’ll be no improvement?
(Male student) That’s right. And also, I seriously doubt that going to the movies is the number one social activity for most students.
(Female student) Yeah, but that’s what students said.
(Male student) Well, of course, that’s what they said. What else is there to do on campus?
(Female student) What do you mean?
(Male student) I mean, there isn’t much to do on campus besides go to the movies. If there were other forms of, uh recreation, or other social activities, you know, I don’t think most students would have said that going to the movies was their first choice.


どうでしょうか?同じようなところをchoiceしていますか?多くの方は、第一印象として、必要な要素が少ないと思うかもしれません。しかし、60秒のSpeakingではこの程度が限界です。つまり、ほとんどのリスニングパートは聞き流しても構わないのです。本番ではthe fluency is the kingです!喋りにくいことを無理やり含めるよりも、listening partで聞いた内容の中でも自分の口に最もなじむphraseをpick upしましょう。ちなみに、これらの要素をまとめて60秒間話すと以下の通りです (実は結構な部分をテンプレートで補っています)。


